Thursday, August 28, 2008

Love's Equation

For centuries and centuries,
I search every books and scrolls in the world..
even the scrolls from The Ancient Tutankhamun Tomb,
The legendary book that was keep under a secret chamber
which was never been discovered..(eventually i found it)

I ,name YANG finally found the Equation
of something
so powerful,
so strong,
that people

I finally found the EQUATION OF LOVE!!!
*(some above may not be true,just my imagination)

that arises in electrostatics (Love 1949, Fox and Goodwin 1953, and Abbott 2002).

Even though I don't really know what the heck is it..

but they said it's Love's Equation


is a problem we can't usually solve

"To love a person is to learn the song

That is in their heart,

And to sing it to them

When they have forgotten. "

Some people may use money to own Love

But a simple I Love You means more than money

people may love to live,

live to love,

even die of love.

so i'm gonna say

Cherish the ones around you,

don't cherish at the time while it's too late

okay now..

hope everyone and everything in this world

is full of

Love & Peace

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our Sunday Swim

It's boring..
so every Sunday..
we one gang de owez go to WaterPark a.k.a Stampark
i bring my camera

i'm gonna show some pic to everyone~

Enjoy..Our swimmin gang~
the merdeka man~Julian Me n leonoob
he says that he's sexy...

ok..juz show some enuf liao lar


Friday, August 22, 2008

in the afternoon

the merdeka de is morning de
i'm telling about afternoon version
quite tiring ar..

afternoon..leonoob called..den go swimmin lor..
leonard de fren also got go..(i duno him well)
go swimmin met my primary school de fren..
long time no c de..
den chat wif him awhile

after that..met some kids..
go play wif them a while..
they like me a lot~

and then and then
go leonard house eat free dinner..
den go watch free movie gok..
we 4 ppl go..leonard de sis n cousin lar~

i wanna say ar..
his cousin de car so cool
sound system so loud..
it's like earthquake inside..
i wonder wad people feels outside~
whole journey we TUM TUUMM TUUUUMM TUM

rock n roll till siao~
almost deaf liao
den watch til night about 11 balu go home
The Mummy 3 quite nice lar..
nt bad de

k nw

MERDEKA palace..

Today ntg to do marh..
so go to merdeka palace to drink coffee wif my aunt n sis..

see there is a little kid trying to steal my cake..


go there eat a bit high lor~

the cake taste really good and almost full to death

(by the way..Leonard..dun be jealous)

peace nw


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Boring WEEK

some people love
some people hate

as for me..
stay like 50-50 better lar

i would wanna plan to out actually..
but u know la
kuching so small..
plan here plan there
at the end..
it's also..

Spring la,
Boulevard la,
Kuching fes la,
People's house la,

omos everyday go spring also duno do wad..
like my home is sprind like that..

actually leo-noob also got col me go his house..
but i knot ler..
nvm lar..
he sure wil bored to death at home onli..

ok now~
i'm done..

wish everyone have a happy holidays~


Saturday, August 16, 2008

tough day...bad day..

usually i was having a basketball competition this saturday..
was very excited the day before...

who noes..

i feel sick saturday morning

vomitted 2 times

n went to hospital..

In the end,
i reported sick and cant go to competition!!!


but look at the bright site...
out team got into semi final because jim 拼了命..

quite cool anyway..

the finals is on wednesday
hope i wont get sick again..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday de maths tuition..

yesterday de tuition onli 6 people go nia..
5 boys 1 girl..
boring till siaw..onli me,guan hong n caniddia talking nia

so less people go because all the kuching high student dint come
can let u know who is the most noiest in decending order
1.LEONARD SIM (congrats)
2.AH TIANG (great job)
3.ANLIA (u quite noisy..haha)
4.DEBBIE (shut up n listen to ur music)
5.MICHELLE (keep up the good work)

with all these talkers din come
its like the world is in peace man...
times past slowly too

yesterday evening just finish maths test but night stil nid go tuition..
isn't it strange???

i done the maths question teacher gave me..
guess wad i got?
i got great marks!!
i bet leonard cant get marks like this...

okay i'm done now~


Monday, August 11, 2008



after a hard day work(not so)

go home and online is quite a relaxing thing~

wah..view nt bad marr~

dats why i'm so relax,

but probably wil kena scold again..cos cannot play computer i'm waiting for my sis to get home so i can go to kch fest...

it's raining nw ,how am i suppose to get there???!?

haha..i dun care~got things to eat enuf liao marh


Sunday, August 10, 2008

memory lost?

it's been quite awhile from now..
i forget about how to blogging nw..

yesterday i was gonna change my background..
it took me few hours,
and the result is.. FAIL

oh man, i wish someone would teach me how to do it

well exam's gonna start today,
but i'm still onlineING,

i'm gonna go and prepare for school now
wish me good luck~




memories of the past..

it's been a long time i haven't used my account
in this few years time
people do change
i change too~

day by day,
people change their personalities..
their style..
their fashion..

but to me..i would say
dont change because of someone,change because of yourself
you're special and you know it

well,usually people would say life sux
as for me,

i wish the world will be in peace

and to all my freinds,
Happy Always & Be Yourself~
