Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nard's challenge.

i received a challenge from the mighty noob---NARD
he challenge me to suan each other..

see who's more rough,creative,and cool.
how noob..i win him everytime anyway..
but he set the rules...example,
1.No bad words
2.Don't say about suki

omg!this is..this is..LIKE A PIECE OF CAKE TO ME OKAY?!?!!
i'm gonna give this to nard as a present too..
since he's gonna go vacation another few days.
now,let the game begin..

hmm..where to start..where to start..

OH i know!
let's start do i feel about leonard sim the NARD

which side you people wanna hear about him first?
the good or the bad?

let's start with the bad first..
first thing of all that i'm gonna say is..
he's short, nerd, stupid, lame, rude, dirty, dumb, fat, ugly, smelly, lier, son of the BEACH i say!!
hmm..i haven't said any bad words yet rite~haha
and so..he got NO IQ and NO EQ!!
omg!..i cant believe there's this kind of people on earth..UNIVERSE MAYBE!!
its''s like an impossible thing..a history!
so..NARD the one and only kind of people left in this world , is gonna extinct soon.
do you know why?
he's gonna get himself tied up and put inside a sack..
beaten up by me and more mayb..using like..hammers,barrels,basball bat,big wooden stick and many more weapons you can think of!
and btw,

1.He's so FAT , he jumps up in the air he gets stuck.
2.He's so STUPID , he stole free bread.
3.He's so SMELLY , scientists make stink bomb using his bath water.

4.He's so SHORT , he has to use a ladder to pick up a dime.
5.He's so UGLY , he gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween!

muahahaha! i'm very evil i know.
that's what i think of him..yeah
and he's soo smelly,
one day we go to the swimming pool on sunday..
there were many people .
when he jumped into the pool.
EVERYONE floeated up to the surface and the water dried up too..

And that's only the bad side of him,
now for the good side..
actually he's stil a good guy though.
a GOOD GUY u know?
the kind of GOOD that always get rejected by *ahem* a girl.

he's very kind accident
one day he's so hungry, he goes and eat the poo that the beggar left on the floor..
the beggar thanked him for his kindnesss..
what a good guy.. proud of him
he's too good ,he borrowed my money saying that he's gonna do charity and got trciked by china fake company.
how noob..

now that's all..
i wan thanks everyone for your support.
my manager, my family , my friends..
and everyone!
thank you thank you!
i'm very proud of winning this game!
i will continue to try my best to suan nard!!

this is like another version of namewee's new video 不骂粗话
hope to hear from you soon nard..
n ur're going holidays next week right?
hope u wont turn the plane into a submarine because you're too fat.

best wishes from your best buddy,

Thursday, November 27, 2008


it's Thanksgiving today huh..
also known as Thanksgiving Day.
It's primarily a North American Holiday
it is also a Harvest Festival.
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
It is held on this day and usually as a gathering of family members.

by the way,
It's not celebrated in Malaysia..
so why the hell do i care?!
that is just lame
and i just knew it by accident today.
i play my online game and it has got new event
about killing some turkeys for thanksgiving..
every game is the same..kill TURKEYS..
why must it be turkeys!!
poor little turkey..
i hope you don't get mad getting cooked n eaten up on this day..
you'll get over it soon..

okay okay...
i just hope turkey wont get too smart and try to take over the world
i watched too much cartoons..
but i'm still gonna be careful with turkeys..

it's night time now
gotta go
BYE everyone
sweet dreams~

or should i say merry thanksgiving?
never mind anyway,it's all the same

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

long time no play

Friend suddenly say wan go watch their basketball competition or not.
Then I nothing to do at home also so i go lo
2 sumthing go his house
play ps2 till song ahh
then play n chat,play and chat
3 sumthing jim balu come
den i battle NBA with jim lorh
So fun playing..
i like to use Kobe Bryant~
but stil lose to his Lebron James
cause my first time play.
"Bully"the game also quite fun
go Internet to check for the cheats.. fun with cheats.haha

and then evening nick's dad bring us go eat
den go back play game again..
this time play 'call of duty'
hong ren so good in playing
he shoots he kills.
all head shot

and then go MBKS stadium lohh
nick and jim them win
37-66 or wad..
CHAO the opponent!
very kintio~
10 sumthing den go home lorhh
11 balu back home
wad a fun and tired day.

Happy Holidays,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

basketball competition?

as usual..
so long din go training
today first time go train basketball..
at st.paul,
actually wanna go sarawak club play
but dunno why.
change to st.paul lo

early in the morning..
8 sumthing de go there le
Leo,Gary there only
shoot ball lo..
so long din energy to shoot 3 points .
other basketball club member come too
gt 9 boys..

den train train train..
as usual..
den another 3 girls come..
Tania la..n bla bla
also duno who

tran til ha..
duno why..
all a bit beh song beh song
den stop lo
discuss what we gonna do if like that..
den we think don go competition next year la..

actually on my opinion..
it's not about he skills that's making us bad
it's about the process we're having..
we need teamwork to win this game
even if a player very professional in basketball
he solo whole time..
n opponent very teamwork de
he sure cant win the game.

easy saying's is,

it's not about the skills that matters,
it's about the teamwork we have.

kay la..
that's all i think.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

it's not too early to say merry christmas btw..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

KL trip!

last Friday go KL for a few dayss
go attend my cousin's graduation
at KL convention centre there
the hall soo big man..
go there take pics with my cousin lorhh
den noon time go drink coffee wait car
n then go Timesquare
so big but not quite class
so many ppl..
especially ah bengs ah lians
den when go back more Bengs outside there shuffle
thousands of them
den at night go a korean restaurant eat
very expensive
DR.Mahathir ever go one arhh..

and the next morning
go to airport lorh
go back kuching le
din sleep tiok while in KL
so very tired


korean restaurant^^

outside my hotel!

cousin n me

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Holiday mood!

its my last day of school
i wont be going to school tomorrow cause I'm going to KL!
yeah yeah yeah~!
but i still miss everyone!
even though my exam some good some not good
but i did try my best!
I'm gonna study more this holiday!
i made a promise!
next year PMR lorhh
quite nervous
everything just happen so fast~!

i guess everyone is in holiday mood now
same with me too
lots of things gonna happen this holiday
i hope its a good one
so bye now!
i'm gonna sleep earlier today


holiday mood^^

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


i was sick this few days
duno why suddenly fell sick
hate it man!
exam finally finish too!
soo happy about finishing exam.
other school already finish early
but we havent

holiday is cominG!
but i hope it wont be a boring one..
i'm going to KL this friday..
to attend my cousin's graduation~
can go travelling agn!!
buy new clothes for next year~!
i'm gonna miss everyone!
till here then
wish everyone a