Friday, August 22, 2008

in the afternoon

the merdeka de is morning de
i'm telling about afternoon version
quite tiring ar..

afternoon..leonoob called..den go swimmin lor..
leonard de fren also got go..(i duno him well)
go swimmin met my primary school de fren..
long time no c de..
den chat wif him awhile

after that..met some kids..
go play wif them a while..
they like me a lot~

and then and then
go leonard house eat free dinner..
den go watch free movie gok..
we 4 ppl go..leonard de sis n cousin lar~

i wanna say ar..
his cousin de car so cool
sound system so loud..
it's like earthquake inside..
i wonder wad people feels outside~
whole journey we TUM TUUMM TUUUUMM TUM

rock n roll till siao~
almost deaf liao
den watch til night about 11 balu go home
The Mummy 3 quite nice lar..
nt bad de

k nw

1 comment:

nard said...

of cos my cuzzie de car is cool lar..
if not it wont called leonard cousin de car..lawls..!