Monday, December 8, 2008

day trip

woo..morning about 10 a.m. duh go out
about 2 hours de trip..
as usually chatting during the journey larhh
what also got larhh..joking here n there too
caniddia's dad called , col us to eat together at samatan
den go eat..
i saw a kind of dunno what and i ate it..
in the end , it's bat meat..BAT MEAT!!
freaked out man..
kinda tasty though..and disgusting
finish eating we go samatan beach!
but the beach is kinda polluted..
there's no way to go down to the sand, so we climbed down..
but here's no way up..
haha funny
and again ..
we go to lundu resort
where caniddia is gonna stay for the night
it's a new resort 'RETREAT' is the name
go to the
nice beach..white sand ,not polluted..
it's okay with me~
very fun..but i cant stay overnight with them..
so just go home and bla bla
that's all!
some pics during the journey,

nice right?

as i said,we climbed up and down

lonely me..

us! (my crazy hairstyle)

me n candy's cuzz n bro.

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