Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tried my Best.

I did my best
In exams,
In basketball,
and i'm happy about it.
seems i found out that i got a little improvements in basketball
at least i was not so noob as before
it all thanks to my friends who taught me about basketball
thanks guys
i'm happy about it
even though Jim aint that good in basketball too
but at least he teached me some
n i will CHAO leonard whenever i met him,in BASKETBALL COURT.
btw,exam time is so boring
english is like piece of smashed cake
but this is just the second day of exam
n after exam,
starts to rain..
i got all wet n cold n i stand at the bus stop for half n hour
it's like being in a refrigerator..

during recess go play basketball
as usual,saw a lots of people
HI to sharon she din hiu?!
but nevermind
maybe she dint see me anyway
other people used to be like this too.

okay now,
even though i'm blogging
i still got a science book beside me
and i'm gonna learn science now

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