Sunday, October 12, 2008

Annoying world

there're lots of people in this world
each with different personalities
different life style
with prices of daily needs going up
economy of all around the world gone bad
people who are lazy,mayb some poor's
would go to steal,lie,kidnap and many more
even though these news always appears in newspaper,TV
but there are stil many people being fooled.
i felt quite sad about what's happening
And all we could do is to pray for a better tomorrow

in this few weeks time
there's a little disturbunce in my blog
a guy or maybe a girl
all i can say is.
if 'he' wanna be so childish to disturb my blog
well just let it be
and btw,
if u want to post a message in my cbox
please type in ur name and email address,
i'll ban those who didn't do so
thanks for ur co-operation^^

have a peaceful day


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