Thursday, September 11, 2008

This is World

okay now
i been scratching my brain for few days
i cant even think of sumthing to write
finally i though of sumthing to write

This is a post for my friends
and everyone in the world
since when i was a kid..
i used to think this is a nice world
but as life goes on..
i started to learn more n more about this world..
people can start a fight,a war
because of small quarrel or disagree.

The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover
many innocent died in wars
children lost their beloved
environment on earth destroyed
people cared bout money makin'
they just don't care bout what's happening to this world

i got sumthing to tell my frenss anyway

1st is LEONARD
i wanna thank leonoob aka NARD
for letting me burn his huz few years ago
even tho he burn my head
i will still forgive him..
thnx leonoob..
ur a good guy
(even tho he is so stupid)

2nd is RONG
i apologize for the things that i've done
and the things that haven occured
thank you and sorry too RONG!
ur the best GE-ER MEN!

3rd is SHARON
thanks for going out with us anyway~
its good to have a new frenz like you
sorry for things that happened before too
(u know la)

and most of all
i wanna thanks every friends of mine
my family
and everything i had

thanks becuz of everything u guys had done
thanks to this WORLD!!
*(mayb i have left out many of my frens,well sorry bout that)*
btw.Keith Nick Jim Gary SiaoBin Leo and all my buddies..
i din't forget bout u guys,thank you!
cherish everything
EARTH,i'm lovin it

peace yo

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