Tuesday, September 30, 2008

NOOB™ day

yesterday go out..
col 6 ppl go out including me
got 2 girls
we go watch movie
coz ntg to do this holiday
si beh boring
walk walk walk
til star cineplex..
we argue quite a while bou watching wad movie..
den watch LOVE GURU
i cant blif we watch this movie..
if not we'll be watching"money nt enuf 2"
no ppl watch the movie..
feels like we own the whole theatre
watch finish go walk walk walk walk

go srwk plaza c basketball shoes..cool man
den go mcD!!i'm lovin it!!

play til like seh kia..
but that's SHIT BORING!
leonoob them lorh..so bored one

k la..dun say liao..
ltr more bored..haha

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