Monday, January 12, 2009

The Day Kuching Floods

Speechless . . .
But if you really want me to say something.
I would say ,
OH Jesus Mother Lord wadda Hell is wrong with the WTF?!?!
okay i'm done with the opening speech.
Let's start my story.

Yesterday, heard that my grandma house flood. So I being a very good and kind boy, went to help move the stuff . When i reach there arh ,OMG! water level is so high.. At the minute , I though i arrived at the sea side. Okay , as a brave warrior I rush on the first lane. Fighting to my last breath ,battle for glory . The scene was cruel , blood sheds ,heads swung into the air , screams of terror , their body were blast into pieces while running for life.. *WADDA HELL!*
okay..I'm too out of the topic now. Crazy me.

Continue.. I walk slowly and the water level gets higher. It was until my stomach and almost till my chest. I even saw a frog swim past me =..=! and I continue to walk..Luckily I din't see any poo floating around. Finally, like 10 minutes later..I reached there.My grandma was so worried, VERY! bopien larh..already flood liao..nothing much of what we can do. Now everything is save , but the problem is..I can't get out. No way i'm gonna swim out in the dirty waters. So I just wait ,until the water has gone.. Few hours later , the water level is still rose a bit too.
oh well , I'll just have to spend the night there.

Next morning, wake up quite god, the water level is still the same. Because i have to go to school in the afternoon , I ride people's sampan to get out lorh..It was fun! row row row your boat~ but I pay them rm 5 larh..well, it's still cheaper than taxi . Finally i got home. That was the dirtiest day of my young life. Why flood..why flood...

-The End-

i'll post again if there is any more big news.
GoodLuck! bye

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