Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oreo Cheese Cake

Okay, He is my Uncle .A funny one.Trust me, very funny.Last few weeks,he said he was goin to make a cake. Everyone went... UNBELIEVABLE! And there's an important point that he said . He said when you eat the cake , you'll go *AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* !!
Yep, that's screaming alright. He din't tell us what kind of cake he was going to make.


He came back with a bunch of I-dunno-what wrapped in aluminum foil. SHOCKED*! it was OREO CHEESE CAKE! first bite really ..AHHHHHHHHHH!! (scream) haha!

Surprisingly, the cake taste awesome. I'm lovin it!

My uncle with his product-Oreo Cheese Cake

Thanks to my uncle~ now already 5th day of Chinese New Year. Wish everyone have a happy year!

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